Pull in Customers with the Magic of Digital Menu Boards

They say that the best way to entice potential restaurant patrons to your QSR is through their sense of smell. Of course, it might not always be possible to do that on busy city streets or from within a densely packed food court. magicBut, through the magic of Digital Signage Displays, you can do the next best thing, and attack them through their sense of sight with the irresistible, succulent image of an artfully prepared dish.

Change your message in a heartbeat:

The same thing that sets a potential customer’s appetite on fire on a steamy morning may not work later at night. But it’s no problem if you proclaim your message via Digital Menu Boards. With this groundbreaking technology, you don’t have to drag out a new painted sign and painstakingly install it, distracting you and your managers from the task of serving your customers. You merely press a button on your smartphone, and a those pancakes are replaced with a cheeseburger oozing with ketchup and onions that’ll will magnetically drag in that late night crowd with money to spend.

Key in to your advertising:

Did you know that your Digital Display Signage can easily be partitioned? You can set up one portion to display your menu, and another to display videos and animation.  If your QSR is actively advertising on TV or on the internet, your Digital Displays offer you an opportunity to reinforce your message in a way that will blast a pathway straight to your potential customers’ hungry stomachs. You can set aside a portion of your Digital Signage to play the ad, exactly as it appears online or on TV, and this will definitely be a case of one plus one equaling ten! It is absolutely amazing how many QSR operators fail to take advantage of this surefire revenue raising trick – don’t be one of them!

Origin Display Group | originmenuboards.com | origindigitalsignage.com | 888-235-2579

Gary Elinoff