Choosing The Digital Signage Display That’s Right For You!

When choosing from a wide variety of available Digital Menu Boards for your QSR, managers often opt to go Big, and that’s often the best choice for outdoor digital signage displays, or for displays targeted at foot traffic passing by just outside your doors. After all, how can that great new sizzling steak offer stop a pedestrian in his tracks unless the sign touting it is big and bold enough to divert his attention away from everything else that’s going on in his world and refocus it on your great offers?

DDAnother place that’s best served with a large display is your drive-thru lane. Customers have already decided to eat in your establishment, but mom has to drive her car, control her kids and send off that text all at the same time. So, if she’s going to notice your Restaurant Menu Board and react to it, it needs to be big, bold and bright.

Outdoor Digital Signage have to be durable!

It is important to realise that outdoor digital Menu Signs have to be able to persevere in a much harsher environment than indoor Menu Boards. They must be impervious to summer heat and humidity as well as to winter’s snow and ice. They must also be vandal resistant.

Once inside, the choices are not so clear-cut. If your establishment is small, a big sign will be out of place and overwhelming. But, perhaps the most important factor is – how do your customers order their meals?

If diners order at the counter, an appropriate strategy would be to have an “advanced guard” of Digital Sign Boards touting you specials and or you’re most heavily promoted items displayed first and foremost, with one or more moderately sized Menu Boards containing, collectively, your entire menu at the register. If customers order after they are seated, very large menu boards that all can see are a great choice.

Putting it all together

Perhaps the greatest thing about a Digital Display System is that everything can be changed at the push of a button, and this includes the prices contained in the POS system. But, for this to happen, you need to make sure that all your Restaurant Menu Boards, inside and outdoors, are all compatible with the same controller, or you sacrifice this tremendous, time-saving advantage.

Origin Display Group | | | 888-235-2579

Gary Elinoff