Menu Board Customization Helps Differentiate

Selecting a menu board system to meet your needs can become a frustrating process.  With more and more options becoming available it could be overwhelming.  Personally, I am all about variety being the “spice of life,” but let’s face it, sometimes it just makes it easier when there are less considerations to make; like what cable company to go with.  The thing about menu boards is that although there are a lot of options, they’re all loosely similar.  You have your magnetic systems, backlit systems and direct print systems.  Each one of these is given one spin or another (i.e. wood trim).  So with this in mind, the concern often shifts to, “well I don’t want to look like every other restaurant,” or “well I’m not a restaurant so these won’t work for me.”  There are three things to keep in mind that will help dispel these apprehensions.

Dare to be different

1- The design work will distinguish your system from others

If you are next door to another restaurant and you have the same menu board structure, this is a non-issue.  What people often fail to realize is that it is the design itself that will differentiate you from one-another.  Further, using full graphics vs. a strip and digit layout provides even more opportunity for uniqueness.  Watermarks, gradients, silhouetted images, etc are simply not able to be used with strip and digit layouts.  Ultimately, if you are looking for something that falls outside a particular standard product line you can definitely go the route of a custom system.  A lot of times the word “custom” is associated with high cost.  This isn’t always the case.  Don’t hesitate to inquire.

2- Menu Board companies do more than just fast food joints

There seems to be some trepidation from folks outside the QSR industry to work with menu board companies for their signage.  This is fair considering, like us, they heavily market to that (QSR) segment.  Obviously there are reasons for this.  From a business, competition and level of expertise perspective, it makes sense.  However it should be known that these companies are not limited in terms of the various types of signage they offer and serve to a variety of industries.  Yes, we have worked in automotive, yes we have worked in hospitality, yes we have worked in schools, etc, etc, etc.

3- Beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I have sat and watched system after system leave our production department and at times have thought, “What the heck are they thinking?”  But then I stop and remind myself that A: “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” and B: (in most cases) I haven’t seen their location.  These are important to note.  Nobody knows your business better than you.  In addition, chances are good that the designs that perplex me will fit quite nicely with what they have going on with their interior.  The point I am trying to make is that you shouldn’t shy away from exploring your wild side when having your menu boards designed.  They may just end up being what sets you a part from everyone else!

I think we covered everything, but can’t be sure.  What else helps making a system your own?  Let us know your thoughts. Give us a call today at 888-235-2579, email us at or contact us here.