Deciphering Between Digital Signage Options

When it comes to digital signage, the fact that there are more options to consider than ever before is something we have touched on numerous times in the past.  Through our entries it has always been our hope that they have helped educate you and set you up for more constructive conversations with digital companies. [Read more...]

3 Content Management System Thoughts

A week or two ago and as I often do, I was perusing the internet doing some digital signage reading.  In doing so I came a across a list of 20 Digital Signage Content Management Systems put together by HigherEdTechDecisions.  The quality and depth of the information they compiled is really good and not overly “techy.”

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Digital Signage- Don’t Do It!

We provide digital signage solutions, we love it and think you would too if you went down that path.  So why on earth would we suggest “not to do it?”  Well obviously the title didn’t afford us the space to explain ourselves.

As we have previously made note of, we finally saw the digital signage boom in 2014 that many had been prognosticating for years.  That same trend has continued through the first quarter of this year as more and more companies are using digital as their signage medium.  Similar to other trends, an increasing amount of people begin to notice and, as such, begin to ask questions.  This is where we enter the picture as one of the few “true solutions” and one of the thousands of “Digital Signage” companies.   [Read more...]

How to Measure ROI for Digital Signage

In 2012, NEC and some of their partners conducted some research to the ever-evolving digital signage industry.  The focus of their study was Return on Investment (ROI) which is a common measuring stick for many capital investments.  Although the findings have collected dust over the last few years I would venture to guess that, if anything, individuals and companies are realizing their return even quicker given the increase in options and decrease in hardware costs.

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The Inexact Science of Menu Board Design

As I put my thoughts together for this blog post, I can’t help but think that there are a number of other companies that can both relate to what I am going to write about as well as empathize with it. Up for discussion today, the cost associated with Menu Board Design. To put it simply, there is no easy way to charge for design. If you attach an hourly rate, it gets called in to question, if you combine it  with a particular display fixture, you may price yourself out. Added to this, is the unknown factor of how the design process will go with the individual(s) or company you are working with.

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5 Signs You’re Working with the Right Menu Board Company

“Price” and “quality” tend to be the two most important factors when considering a relationship with a product-based company. I am not here to tell you any different. As a matter of fact, for the most part, I would agree. However on the flip-side, what good is quality if the product arrives 2 weeks late?  Or, what good is cheap if you can’t get a human on the phone to ask questions?  What I am saying is that while cost and quality are important, there are certain criteria that, in my opinion, supersede these two. Ultimately, the quality will exist if you are working with a vendor that has these attributes. I can also tell you, they won’t be the cheapest on the block.

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Digital Signage for Schools

Digital signage at any level of education serves a broad audience: they can be used in the cafeteria to list menu items, in the school store to sell merchandise, and in the hallways to convey sport scores, emergency messages, upcoming events, and campus news.  Additionally, educators can use this medium to communicate to students, staff, parents and the community. Depending on how much “fun” you wan to have with it, the possibilities are endless.  However, noticeably absent from this list is the benefit digital signage can have on the nutrition and eating behavior of the students staring up at the screens.

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4 Tips for Making the Most Out of Your Digital Menu Board

So you’ve made the plunge and decided to switch to a digital menu board in your drive-thru, fast food restaurant, or coffee shop. What can you do to make sure that you’re using it to its greatest potential? [Read more...]

Honest Digital Drive-Thru Menu Board Perspective

Let’s start with some transparency, I love digital signage. It is the way of the now and the foreseeable future. Digital signage has been hovering around for several years suggesting that “this is going to be the year” where the snowball finally gathers the momentum to run over the traditional signage in it’s path. Although it hasn’t squashed all or even most of static posters, banners, panels and cabinets that you still see today, there is no denying the spike in the last two years.  With this growth has seen countless companies enter the same digital signage space, some of which are pretenders (i.e. graphic designers with a media player) and many other contenders.  It doesn’t take the contenders, or even an every-day-Joe, much to realize that digital signage is poised to expand and adapt to applications where it has never been used before. Enter “Digital Drive-thru Menu Boards.”

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An Alternative to Email Memos? Digital Signage in the Workplace

Let’s be honest: no one likes getting a corporate memo in their inbox, especially if you’re one of the people whose unread messages always seem to be in the triple (or even quadruple) digits.  Chances are, employees of your company aren’t reading all of the emails they get.

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