I should probably start off this blog by stating that I am going to be using some generalities when speaking about what is needed in each scenario. The truth is, only you would know what would work best for your given situation. With that said, the price is important but should not be the determining factor unless it is absolutely necessary. When it comes to digital menu boards, we have spelled out what makes a true solution in the past. As far as digital signage, typically this is made up of one of the two main components of digital menu boards. For the most part this is the main difference between the two; however there are other instances where one make more sense than the other.
How Digital Menu Boards Differ From Digital Signage
Menu Board Companies Versus Sign Companies
So it happened again, and it won’t be the last time. I shared a couple of conversations with an individual who was looking for menu boards. She did a search on Google, and BAM, there we were. Similar to most chats, we talked about different options and of course, price. Personally, my objective is always to get an idea of how they are currently doing it, how they have handled it in the past and why they are looking for a change at this time. Further, budget is always an important factor so that we do not waste each other’s time discussing ideas and options that are not feasible. I also tend to briefly delve in to what we do in the way of more “consultative” services to make sure we are creating something that will have an impact.
Your Quick-Service Restaurant – Do it the Right Way!
Another week is upon us which means it is time for another blog. As for this week, I thought I would talk about something that donned on me after I strolled in to a couple of new quick-service places for lunch last week. Being that I come from the industry you are reading about, I tend to micro-focus on how different places do different things. As is with any new business, there is this age-old saying from “Field of Dreams” that people tend to agree or disagree with:
If you build it, they will come.
Some would argue that in business, “If they come, then you build it.” I personally think that the right approach lies somewhere in the middle.
How to Know It’s Time for New Menu Boards
There comes a time when you have to replace almost everything in life; your couch, your job, your bed, your girlfriend (just kidding – my wife will kill me when she sees that), and on and on and on. There are a variety of reasons as to why these changes have to be made – some you can control, and some you cannot. Now next time you find yourself replacing something, ask yourself, did I do what I could to get the most life out of it? Chances are you didn’t; a replacement was on sale, or it cost less, or it was a gift. The point I am trying to make is that at the end of the day you have the ability to take preventative measures to maximize the lifetime of your products. Do your due diligence, talk to people, look it up online, check out consumer reports, do whatever you can. Look, I understand that everyone leads busy lives and that time is money – exactly, time is money. So do you spend more time to spend the appropriate money for a quality product, or do you spend less time and spend more money for a lesser product? The choice is yours.
Can I Take Your Order?
So you have decided to open your very own quick-service restaurant (QSR)? Or, you have decided to rethink the way you are currently doing things. Well, besides the no-brainers like your menu offerings, staff, interior design and all the red tape you need to rip down before opening, I would recommend that you put some thought in to how you make people order. The operative word in QSR is quick and choosing the right approach for your restaurant can and will go a long way in determining your overall turnaround time, customer satisfaction and profitability. Each style has its own unique advantages for a given environment, so… choose wisely!
5 Tips to Make Your Menu Board Approval Process Go Smoothly
It seems like a simple concept. You receive your menu board layout, and you send back the changes you want made as well as what you like and don’t like. For the most part that is accurate. However, there are areas and ways to go about it that will minimize the amount of revisions and the time it takes to get your menu boards in hand.
Menu Board Story Time
A wise man once told me, “Awareness is curative.” Specifically in business, there has been no other saying that has resonated with me more. On paper it is a simple concept. It is a glorified way of saying “learn from your mistakes.” However put in another light, awareness is also something you can arm yourself with. You gather enough information so that you can make an intelligent decision while knowing what the potential snags could be. You may be wondering what I am getting at. Well, as a business we have grown to notice that in both scenarios the main problem is the fact that people cannot get out of the way of themselves. They will not admit that they made a mistake and instead play the blame game, or they hear what they want to hear and discredit the information they were given. With this in mind, I have identified three instances that have occurred in the last year. I have selected one from each area that we do the most business.
So grab your morning Joe, make yourself comfortable and get ready, because today is story time.
The Importance of Well-Designed Menu Boards
If you have read any of our blogs you have probably noticed that we have touched on the title of this blog in bits and pieces throughout most of them. Whether it be Increase Sales with Strategically Placed Signage or Speed of Service Affected by Poorly Designed Menu Boards or a number of others, it is undeniable that the design of the menu board is of utmost importance. This holds true whether you are using a digital menu board, traditional menu board, a cheap corrugated menu board, or any type of system. Unfortunately, most consumers find themselves most concerned with “how do I make changes if I need to” and even more so, “how much does it cost?”
5 Signs that You’re Dealing with the Right Menu Board Company
There is no question that the world we live in is a lot different than even 5 years ago. The freewheeling, big spending days are long gone. Add to that, resources are more available than ever so that, when it comes to buying something, you can quickly and easily get a lot of options. Needless to say, the salesman’s idea that “they are buying me and not the product” has taken a bit of a hit. Not that this statement is entirely untrue, because the person on the opposite side of the table/phone has a lot to do with what you ultimately decide to do, but there are so many more factors to consider.
Micromanaging the Menu Board Process – A Big No No!
Just because you own a TV, doesn’t make you an expert on television programming. Just because you have been a football fan for years, doesn’t mean you qualify to coach your favorite team. And just because you own a restaurant, doesn’t mean you should layout, design and sometimes build your own menu boards. In all of these cases there are people with years of experience that are tasked with making decisions that will benefit their viewers, fans and clients. The problem on the menu board side is a lot of people fail to turn over the majority of this process and try to manage it all themselves.