Speeding Up the Drive-Thru Lane

The QSR drive-thru lane has been a big part of American culture for decades now and is the source of two-thirds or more of the typical restaurant’s revenues. And, as simple and prosaic as it may seem, there is a lot going on here. SUThe driver has to pull onto the premises, decide what she wants to eat and then convey her choice to your staff. If there has been a miscommunication and the customer doesn’t get what she wanted, the error has to be corrected. Finally, she has to pay for her order and pick it up. And, all of this has to happen in four minutes or less, because Americans don’t believe in waiting in line.

You, and all your competition, will be striving to make this process faster, smoother, and more pleasant to the customer so she’ll want to return. All the while, you’ll be striving to get each customer, on average, to spend more on each visit.

To cut down on customer stress, nothing beats a pre-sell board. Think of the position your customer is in. You have a large, well thought-out menu – so many choices! But everyone is in a hurry, especially a guy with three screaming kids in the car behind Mr Customer, who is hit with a momentary bout of indecision. The presell board comes to the rescue! It makes one or two suggestions that will satisfy almost anyone. The customer makes his choice, which not only makes him happy, but it’ll also make you happy. Not only have you sold one of the menu items that you most want to move, but you’ve also avoided a slowdown that would otherwise have slowed down throughput and decreased your drive-thru revenues.

Automated Payment is another great way to speed things up. Many vendors now provide car side kiosks that customers can use to choose their meals, and they also accept debit cards to pay for them. Then, when they reach checkout, all they have to do is present their receipts and pick up their meals. The bottom line is that the customer spends less time online, and has more time to enjoy the great food you work so hard to provide

Origin Display Group | originmenuboards.com | origindigitalsignage.com | 888-235-2579

Gary Elinoff