5 Effective Uses of Digital Signage

When we discuss digital signage with people, we always ask what their objectives are. This is the single easiest way of determining which solution, if any, would be ideal for them. For the most part, the responses are similar. On the restaurant side, it’s “I want to be able to changes my items and pricing and maybe promote a special or two.”  As many of you know, this is just scratching the surface in terms of most digital signage software capabilities. The more alarming issue is that a lot of those who go the route of digital get it designed, set up and turned on and nothing much from there changes over months to even years.  This is a discouraging trend that can give the idea of digital signage a bad name.  Put another way, if you ask someone who doesn’t use even half of the systems functions how it is working out for them, they may have a negative viewpoint.  However, I would submit to you that those who utilize the system frequently would rave about its flexibility and impression.

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Blog Excerpts Part V- Random Thoughts

When we sit down weekly to write our blogs we have a list of notes to draw ideas from. In most instances there is enough that we can pull to warrant a post around a sole topic. However, at other times it hasn’t been the case. Rather than bypassing a week, we’ll take a collection of these notes and put together some “random thoughts.” Looking back, I have liked how the random blogs have come together. They cover a lot of area and offer some particular insights that would otherwise not be shared. In the last of installment of five we take a look at some of them.

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Menu Boards: 6 Reasons a Second Source is a Good Idea

Its natural with sales, you make your calls and introductions and the canned response that you get more often than not is “we’re all set, thank you.”  This doesn’t bother me any, in fact, I hope that is what our clients are telling people.  However this isn’t a blog about how to combat sales objections, nor will I suggest that we’re the right fit for everyone (shhh, we’re not). As I have explained to several a person I have spoken with, “it’s great that your all set, but have you ever considered backing up your current vendor… just in case?”  Now the question becomes, what is the “in case” and what other reasons would there be to have another company squared away should something arise?  When I think about this, there are six reasons that come to mind.

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4 Step Menu Board Design Process

When we come in to contact with new customers we quickly establish their needs from a design perspective. Some already have this aspect completed when we engage, others require design work from the bottom up, some have a website or take-out menu to draw inspiration from and then there is the collection of people who have a vision but require a more involved diagnostic on how to get from ideas/thoughts/plans to implementation.

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7 Digital Signage Questions to Ask Yourself

As you begin to think about digital signage for your company or personal business there are certain questions that you should be armed with prior to picking up the phone.  These type of questions should help guide you to solutions that would be ideal for your situation.  Now that you have these questions in your back-pocket you may feel good heading in to a conversation or demo with a digital company’s sales rep.  Well, there is good news and bad news regarding this for most.  The good being that you are prepared to push back and uncover information that would not otherwise be revealed.  The bad being that most people go in to these conversations without doing a personal or internal audit. [Read more...]

10 Ways to Speed Up Drive-thru Service

If you can relate to this blog then chances are you have a good problem.  What this likely means is that you are having some level of difficulty handling the volume of cars that are coming through your drive-thru.  For the purposes of this blog, lets pretend for a moment that your current setup is sufficient and that there are no glaring issues that have to be corrected.  What I mean is that at the very least, you have a functional drive-thru and communications system.

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Deciphering Between Digital Signage Options

When it comes to digital signage, the fact that there are more options to consider than ever before is something we have touched on numerous times in the past.  Through our entries it has always been our hope that they have helped educate you and set you up for more constructive conversations with digital companies. [Read more...]

3 Content Management System Thoughts

A week or two ago and as I often do, I was perusing the internet doing some digital signage reading.  In doing so I came a across a list of 20 Digital Signage Content Management Systems put together by HigherEdTechDecisions.  The quality and depth of the information they compiled is really good and not overly “techy.”

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Digital Signage- Don’t Do It!

We provide digital signage solutions, we love it and think you would too if you went down that path.  So why on earth would we suggest “not to do it?”  Well obviously the title didn’t afford us the space to explain ourselves.

As we have previously made note of, we finally saw the digital signage boom in 2014 that many had been prognosticating for years.  That same trend has continued through the first quarter of this year as more and more companies are using digital as their signage medium.  Similar to other trends, an increasing amount of people begin to notice and, as such, begin to ask questions.  This is where we enter the picture as one of the few “true solutions” and one of the thousands of “Digital Signage” companies.   [Read more...]

How to Measure ROI for Digital Signage

In 2012, NEC and some of their partners conducted some research to the ever-evolving digital signage industry.  The focus of their study was Return on Investment (ROI) which is a common measuring stick for many capital investments.  Although the findings have collected dust over the last few years I would venture to guess that, if anything, individuals and companies are realizing their return even quicker given the increase in options and decrease in hardware costs.

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