Ways to Improve Your Drive-thru – Part 1

Just over a year ago in October of 2011, QSR Magazine published an article by Daniel P. Smith titled “100 Ways to Improve Your Drive Thru.”  For the most part he has some insights that, if instituted, will surely improve your drive-thru operation.  On the other hand, there are some head scratchers as well.  In this first part of a four-part series, I am going to delve into numbers 1-25 and give you my expanded take on each item.

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Your Menu Board Questions Answered!

As the days go by, and conversations are had, I have taken notice of some of the common questions that I get asked. I thought it may be useful to address some of them this week. The reason is two-fold. For one, they are more eloquently answered in written form and two, it can provide as a soundboard for questions that others are asking but what you may have yet to think about. A couple of notes to consider before reading the Q&A:

  • For the most part, the questions are written in a formal way than how they are actually asked.
  • Some of the questions aren’t actually stated, but insinuated through conversations.  Put another way, they are questions that people are asking themselves.

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What a Fully Functional Drive-Thru Looks Like

Depending on what you read or who you talk to, the amount of quick-service traffic that is funneled through the drive-thru tends to range between 60 and 70%.  Even if on the low end (60%) we are talking about some significant numbers.  The reason for this is one part convenience and another part laziness, however, the way it should be interpreted is that the majority of QSR customers prefer to use the drive-thru.  Shed in another light, to enhance customer satisfaction, put a drive-thru up at your location.  In addition, drive-thrus grab you sales that you would otherwise not get; the mother with 3 young kids in the car, the unseasonable cold weather, the unattractive wardrobe someone’s rocking, or whatever it may be, a drive-thru dissipates any and all of these types of concerns.

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5 Tips to Make Your Menu Board Approval Process Go Smoothly

It seems like a simple concept.  You receive your menu board layout, and you send back the changes you want made as well as what you like and don’t like.  For the most part that is accurate.  However, there are areas and ways to go about it that will minimize the amount of revisions and the time it takes to get your menu boards in hand.

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Menu Board Story Time

A wise man once told me, “Awareness is curative.”  Specifically in business, there has been no other saying that has resonated with me more.  On paper it is a simple concept.  It is a glorified way of saying “learn from your mistakes.” However put in another light, awareness is also something you can arm yourself with.  You gather enough information so that you can make an intelligent decision while knowing what the potential snags could be.  You may be wondering what I am getting at.  Well, as a business we have grown to notice that in both scenarios the main problem is the fact that people cannot get out of the way of themselves.  They will not admit that they made a mistake and instead play the blame game, or they hear what they want to hear and discredit the information they were given.  With this in mind, I have identified three instances that have occurred in the last year.  I have selected one from each area that we do the most business.

So grab your morning Joe, make yourself comfortable and get ready, because today is story time.

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