Measuring Your Cost of Time When it Comes to Menu Boards

Earlier this year I was at a seminar where one of the speakers (whose name escapes me) outlined various steps on how you can determine who your best clients are.  Although I had more than one take-away from his presentation there was one that stood out.  Often time’s businesses think that their best clients are the ones that generate the greatest amount of revenue for the company.  In some cases this is true.  However what this speaker stressed is that beyond the revenue, beyond the costs of goods sold (COGS), and beyond the profitability, you must consider your (valuable) time.

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What to Make of the Menu Board Industry?

You know that thing called the Internet?  Well, it isn’t a fad and it’s not going away.  In fact, some studies have shown that 27% of the world’s consumers do their shopping online with that number creeping to 55% during the holiday season.  It increases even more when you consider those who do competitive “browsing” online only to make a more traditional face-to-face or telephone transaction.

So why do I bring this up?  How does this relate to menu boards, drive-thrus and digital signage?  Quite simply it’s because people are using this avenue to learn, research and buy these types of products just as they would an airplane ticket, a pair of shoes, or a knife set.  Yet, when you compare one menu board company to another, to another, to another, you begin to see that there is not a lot of differentiation between them.  They have similar products at similar price points.

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4 Determinations to Make Before Ordering a Drive-thru Menu Board

Restaurant owners seem to have an increased interest in adding drive-thru menu boards to their locations. This should come as no surprise considering that those with drive-thrus see 60-70% of their total revenue pass through the lane. Because of this fact, people become easily enamored with the idea of what a drive-thru could do for their business. It isn’t until they pause to gather some information that most begin to realize that there is a lot more to consider than the sign itself.  In the past we have highlighted what a fully-functional drive-thru looks like which provided folks with a checklist of what is involved but does little to help them determine if A- it would be a good investment and B- what the entire scope of the project would look like as it pertains to their restaurant.  We’ll take a stab at that here.

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4 Steps to Guide the Signage Process

When it comes to signage we see it time and time again where there simply isn’t enough thought put in to getting the most bang for your buck.  “I need menu boards,” or “I need an outdoor sign with my company name on it,” are examples of the conversation starters we constantly hear.  This isn’t necessarily a bad thing as it certainly gets the dialogue going, but if you are looking for more insight or direction on the appropriate course of action, you’d better make sure you are dealing with the right company.

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Tips for Online Menu Board Searches

Gone are the days of pulling out the phone book, looking through the yellow pages and trying to find what you are looking for. The masses are taking to yahoo, bing and mostly Google to search for the goods, services or information they want. When it comes to menu boards and all other ancillary signage this process can be both easy and difficult.  Why is that the case?   [Read more...]

Origin Display Group, Point-of-Purchase Leader, Launches New All-Access Website

Long Island, New York 

Origin Display Group, a Long Island-based leader in the menu-board industry, announces the launching of the first of a series of new websites, designed to offer unprecedented accessibility for clients.

“We are very excited to have launched our new Menu Boards website,” says Partner Vic Pereira. “This is phase one in a wave of four new sites that we are developing and will be refining in order to provide greater accessibility to our first-class products and services.”   [Read more...]

Speaker Post or On-Board Speaker & Mic for Drive-thru Menu Boards?

Drive-thru menu boards come in many shapes and sizes.  They also have to adapt to work in varying locations.  There are several factors that guide you to the final product; amount of menu items, available space, budget, etc.  However beyond all of that, there is always one question that has to get answered, “Do you want to use a speaker post, of have the speaker and microphone on-board the unit?”  I am quick to squash the cost question because it ends up being “pennies on the dollar” more to do it one way rather than the other.  So what does it come down to?  Which way should you go?  There are a number of circumstances that have to be considered. [Read more...]

Menu Board Customization Helps Differentiate

Selecting a menu board system to meet your needs can become a frustrating process.  With more and more options becoming available it could be overwhelming.  Personally, I am all about variety being the “spice of life,” but let’s face it, sometimes it just makes it easier when there are less considerations to make; like what cable company to go with.  [Read more...]

Going Cheap Usually Isn’t Your Best Interest

Do you have anything cheaper?  Is that the best you can do? Do you have any refurbished or used an equipment?  Can you send me an email with all of this information and do a little bit better on the price for me?  I can go on and on with these types of quips that we get from prospective clients. Heck, I do the same thing when I am out and about acting the role of consumer. After all, it is in everybody’s best interest to get quality at a reasonable price.  The operative word in this case is, QUALITY.  It is one thing if someone is committed to the purchase but is looking to haggle on price.  It is something completely different if someone is just looking for CHEAP.  [Read more...]

Avoid Sticker Shock When Buying Menu Boards

It happens all the time when you go to buy something online, over the phone or from something you see on TV. You know, when “you can get all this for $99.99.” Well then tack on taxes, surcharges, shipping and handling (S&H) and next thing you know it is almost double. Then there are those “deals” that require credit checks. I probably don’t have to tell you but if your report doesn’t come back sparkling you won’t be getting that car for a “low monthly payment of $199.”  [Read more...]