Origin Displays Installs Menu Boards at 3 Football Stadiums and 2 Arenas

November 27, 2012 Long Island, NY – Origin Display Group Inc., a leading supplier of indoor, outdoor, and digital menu boards, today has announced the successful installation of digital and traditional menu boards as well as graphics at a series of collegiate football stadiums and arenas.  The 6 week project included 130 menu boards, seventy-five 40” Commercial Grade LCD screens and twenty-four magnetic graphics.  These systems were integrated at the University of Kentucky, United States Naval Academy and Rutgers University.

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Moving from Wait-Staff to Quick Service

Recently, I have come across more and more people and their restaurants looking to move from a fast casual, wait-staff approach to a traditional quick service location.  The reasons I have been told range, however, given the right circumstances, this may certainly be a profitable move to make.  Before making a haphazard switch there are areas you should consider.  Should you feel comfortable beyond that point there are key aspects to a quick service restaurant that you’ll want to address as well.

In this posting, I will first highlight the considerations you should make beforehand and the areas that need addressing should you move forward.

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Menu Insights from Quick Serve to Sit-Down

Today we are going to borrow some great information from my home and native land and the great white north. Our friends at Restaurant Central are  Canada’s version of QSR Magazine, Fast Casual Magazine, etc. They offer news and trends for all verticals of the restaurant industry. I spent some time on the blog section of their site and found four submissions that are particularly relevant to our customers. Everyone’s goal in business is to make money. The following four blog posts will help you address your menu and offer ways to increase profitability. These posts also make suggestions that will help you avoid the pitfalls that many owners find themselves in. Whether you own a quick service restaurant, fast casual or dine-in, the development of an optimal menu is equally important.

Should you not have the time to read all of these in one sitting, I would suggest bookmarking this blog. My hope is that me telling you that these entries will help you make/save money will be enough to catch your attention.

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10 Ways to Increase Your Bottom Line in 2013

2013 is upon us; the time of year where people analyze their lives and make resolutions.  People become reinvigorated and a sense of motivation fills the air… for about a week.  As for businesses, many take the New Year to take a look at the past and plan for the future.  Here at Origin Displays we have our own laundry list of items to tackle in hopes of reaching that allusive “next level.”  One of our habits that we agreed to continue was our blogging.  Not only do we enjoy passing along our knowledge to our readers but it also forces us to stay on top of the industry, keeping us keenly aware.

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Year End Industry News

With us all but ready to tie the bow on another year, I thought I would scour the Internet looking for interesting articles to get the expert’s take on 2012 and what they expect in 2013.  In fairness, it didn’t take too long to find four articles that I found compelling and definitely worth the read.  If you have read any of my blogs by now then you already know they are very opinion based (what a blog is in its essence).  Anyways, we all form our opinions in a variety of ways and I challenge you to read these articles and take a stance on what the “experts” are projecting.  Do you agree? Disagree? Do you have something to add?  Let us know!

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What We Saw In 2012

For the second year in a row our team here at Origin Displays sat down last week and talked about 2012.  What trends did we see?  Where did we make our biggest strides?  Where can we improve?  What markets are we missing out on?  What products can we develop?  What other markets can we penetrate?  These are just a small sampling of the questions we addressed during our full-day, off-campus meeting.  We had a couple members of our sales team, a representative of Operations, our Administrator and general leadership as part of the conversation to make it as well rounded as possible.  The result was similar to last year; eye opening for some, some differing in opinion, but the most overwhelming feeling was a sense of excitement as we stare down 2013.  Many of the details of the meeting are business related and would be of no interest to you, but some of the trends we saw were interesting and are worth keeping an eye on.

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Industry Trends

With our corporate headquarters being located in Long Island, NY, it has been a trying time for everyone in this area over the course of the last 12 days. Here at Origin Displays, we consider ourselves some of the lucky ones. We were without power for a handful of days but each of our employees and their families made it out safely – with little to no damange. Unfortunately, the same cannot be said for those in surrounding areas. Being surrounded by and seeing the devastation so closely is something I have never experienced. However, in the face of catastrophe, my spirit has once been lifted again by the outpour of good in so many people.  New Yorkers are often seen as obnoxious, with a “nothing can get us down” attitude. They’re simply full of bravado! It has been a compelling dynamic to see vulnerability sneak in only to have it bridged by people donating, opening their houses, and volunteering. With that said, many are not out of the woods yet but hopefully the end result will be stronger communities and a more robust infrastructure around our coastlines.

Sandy reared her ugly head, which left us and many other businesses in catch-up mode. Because of this, we weren’t able to get last week’s blog out to you. Over the course of the next several days we will be sure to make up for it. As for today, we are going to pause from talking menu boards and drive-thrus and highlight some interesting “goings-on” in the restaurant industry. There is a lot that is going on out there and staying on top of this can be a daunting task.  Fear not, Origin Displays has done the leg-work to bring you some of the latest trends.

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Your Quick-Service Restaurant – Do it the Right Way!

Another week is upon us which means it is time for another blog.  As for this week, I thought I would talk about something that donned on me after I strolled in to a couple of new quick-service places for lunch last week.  Being that I come from the industry you are reading about, I tend to micro-focus on how different places do different things.  As is with any new business, there is this age-old saying from “Field of Dreams” that people tend to agree or disagree with:

 If you build it, they will come.

Some would argue that in business, “If they come, then you build it.”  I personally think that the right approach lies somewhere in the middle.

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Can I Take Your Order?

So you have decided to open your very own quick-service restaurant (QSR)?  Or, you have decided to rethink the way you are currently doing things.  Well, besides the no-brainers like your menu offerings, staff, interior design and all the red tape you need to rip down before opening, I would recommend that you put some thought in to how you make people order.  The operative word in QSR is quick and choosing the right approach for your restaurant can and will go a long way in determining your overall turnaround time, customer satisfaction and profitability.  Each style has its own unique advantages for a given environment, so… choose wisely!

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The Skinny on the Fast Casual Scene

This week I decided to shake things up a bit.  Instead of writing another blog on menu boards, digital menu boards, drive-thrus or in-store signage, I’ll take this blog to provide you a quick low-down on what’s going on in the world of fast casual restaurants.  My compilation is based on information gathered from Fast Casual’s website (www.fastcasual.com).  For a more in-depth look at each restaurant update, check out their website.

Okay, here we go…

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